luni, 5 februarie 2018

Traduceri jenante

Va mai aduceti aminte de Richard Hammond? E tipul micut si simpatic (cel putin pentru unii) care impreuna cu Jeremy Clarkson si James May prezentau binecunoscuta emisiune Top Gear, produsa de si mai cunoscutul post de televiziune britanic BBC. Asa cum probabil stiti, cei trei nu mai prezinta de ceva vreme emisiunea. Clarckson a fost concediat in urma unui scandal iar ceilalti doi colegi de emisiune au demisionat si ei in spirit de solidaritate fata de Jeremy. Exista si varianta americana a show-ului dar nu s-a ridicat niciodata la nivelul celei britanice. Dar sa revenim la Hammond. Acesta si-a continuat drumul in televiziune si s-a ocupat de mai multe emisiuni. Cea mai cunoscuta si care continua si prezent este „Stiinta prostiei” de la National Geographic. Acum ceva vreme am mai vazut o emisiunea carui erau principal era acelasi Hammond. Nu retin daca emisiunea era tot pe National Geographic Channel sau pe BBC. Titlul in engleza al emisiunii este „Richard Hammond's Crash Course”. Traducerea in romana era „Cursuri de accidente cu R.H.” sau ceva de genul asta. Poate cuvantul „crash” induce in eroare pe cineva care nu stie prea multa engleza, sau pe cineva care a terminat limbi straine la Spiru Haret la fara frecventa dar orice traducator cat de cat serios (si eu cred ca BBC sau NG nu ar trebui sa aleaga chiar pe oricine pentru traduceri) stie ca sintagma „crash courses” inseamna „cursuri intensive”. De altfel, nici subiectul emisiunii nu avea nimic de-a face cu accidente, prabusiri sau nenorociri. Tema emisiunii era invatarea de catre Richard a cate unei meserii mai ciudate, solicitante sau scarboase.
O alta greseala de acelasi tip si la fel de penibila o vad mereu, chiar intr-un promo, pe Comedy Central, un post la care ma uit destul de des. In acel promo, cineva intreaba: „what kind of cheap shot is this?” „Cheap shot” este o expresie care inseamna ceva de genul „lovitura saub centura”, „incercare mirsava”. In promo insa se traduce „filmare de doi bani” !!! Bine ca nu i-au spus „impuscatura ieftina”.
Greseli de tarducere, unele chiar penibile, se intalnesc mereu in multe filme sau alte productii TV, dar intr-un titlu de emisiune sau intr-un promo care se repeta zilnic nu cred ca ar trebui sa apara niciodata. Iti dai cu firma in cap, mai ales daca esti un post cat de cat important.

marți, 7 octombrie 2014

Bilete avion Beijing

Beijing nu este numai capital celei mai populate tari de pe glob, cat este un centru economic extreme de important si in acelasi timp un oras aflat intr-un continuu process de modernizare. Localnicii declara mandri ca orasul s-a transformat complet in ultimii 20-30 de ani, astfel incat un oras sarac s-a trensformat totusi intr-o metropola moderna ce concureaza cu cele mai infloritoare orase americane.
O vizita la Beijing va poate face sa descoperiti captivanta cultura chineza, bucataria orientala si nu in ultimul rand veti putea cumpara produse de tot felul la preturi excelente, orasul fiind inca unul ieftin.
Din punct de vedere al transportului, exista variant cu o oprire, dar si o variant cu doua sau mai multe escale. Din Bucuresti nu exista cursa directa, insa exista discutii serioase de redeschidere a unei linii directe. Bilete avion Beijing pot fi cumparate inclusive online, de la orice agentie de turism acreditata

luni, 24 ianuarie 2011

The Nobles

A nice one from 1963 or thereabouts. The Nobles were a hot reverby surf group with some classics such as Earthquake, Body Surf and Hiawatha later covered by the Surfaris amongst others.

As was sometimes common in those more innocent times as part of a recording deal the producer got to add his name to the group. Aki Aleong was one such producer and as far as I know did not actually add anything musical to the album.

I noticed that Aki was credited as an actor in the Jim Carrey flick Cable Guy. If you look up Aki on imdb he's had a varied career as producer and movie actor and he's still active at over seventy years of age. Anyhow here's the Nobles with one of my favourite vintage surf albums.

Guitar Player Presents: Surf

This is an early nineties release now deleted. Second hand copies fetch around $40 on Amazon. Most critics rate this the most essential surf compilation to own. Produced by John Blair respected surf music discographer and surf guitar player himself (Jon and the Nightriders) and issued by Guitar Player a most respected publication, these are the surf guitar instrumentals they consider the cream of the crop. I know after I bought this CD I had to seek out as many of the artists featured as I could find. It really kick started my second interest in surf music and may have helped kick start the nineties boom in surf and exotica music now sadly over. I've never noticed a Volume 2, I think that would have been a kicker too.

As one fan says:

A quintessential must-have for any surf music fan, this collection is the best representation, so far, of the broad spectrum of styles that made up this genre of music!! Everyone from Dick Dale, The Ventures, The Chantays to lesser known acts such as The Crossfires, The Astronauts, and more are laid out in this beautiful eighteen song album. It features some of the greatest early guitar work as well as some hard to find surf instrumental gems!!

Surfin' Knots No. 5

s it time for another Surfin' Knots? Golly I hope so cos No. 5's here already. The theme this time is Cinema Dreams. the tune may be from a soundtrack such as a Bond film or Western or merely suggested by theme or title. Reminds me of a little story I heard once.

After the budding filmmaker made his first critically acclaimed 16mm film about the fishmongers of New York, Hollywood heard about it and summoned him to the California Sun to make a 35mm extravaganza. He had studied classics such as King Kong and was aware that even greats like Henry Mancini composed tunes such as Banzai Pipeline for low budget surf exploitation movies. Not every director could hope to direct a classic such as Gone With the Wind and he had to decide whether he was Man or Mancini. Even Napoleon had gone solo on occasions. He thought of pictures with statuettes of Maltese Falcons and even Moorish Idols. He pondered who had killed 007 by making ever more ridiculous versions of his movies and talking of ridiculous he just hoped he wouldn't have to direct the next Scooby Doo flick. He knew he wouldn't be easily swayed into making some cheapo picture about a Secret Agent Man and he shuddered as he thought that even an Australian had played Bond once. Over at the Western set a stuntman lay in the dust his empty gun beside him and a crumpled star pinned to his jacket. He could hear the eerie laughter of the Ghost of Cecil B riding in a Cadillac De Ville or was it a '57 Fury?

In the end he was offered a film called Bikini Drag an el cheapo beach blanket bingo movie with a budget of $99. As he sipped his margarita in the cantina with Beguine the Bond humming in the background he thought well it's only a movie.

Planet Xtabay milestone

To help Planet Xtabay celebrate 400,000 visits which will come up shortly here is a companion volume to his The Alien Planet compilation called the Beaches of Planet X.

All these tracks have planet in the title and three even feature Planet X.

From the surfy bongo sound of Fifty Foot Combo fresh from the beaches of Planet Belgium we also have some nice electronica courtesy of Kraftwerk and Orbital and even some groovy sitar work from the legendary Ananda Shankar.

So sit back turn your volume level to 11 and your reverb level to 13 and enjoy the Bitches err I mean Beaches of Planet X.

The Beaches of Planet X

01. Fifty Foot Combo - The Brain From Planet X.
02. Los Banditos - Fremder Planet
03. Kraftwerk - Planet Der Visionen
04. Orbital - Planet Of The Shapes
05. Los Straitjackets - Wrong Planet
06. Reventlos - Planet Reventlo
07. Chris Shahin - Water Planet
08. TCB Hit Squad - Beaches Of Planet X
09. Lemongrass - Planet Tears
10. Metalunas - Swingin Planet
11. Cusco - Seaplanet
12. Visit Venus - Planet O
13. Space Cossacks - Planet Of The Apes
14. Infrareds - Celluloid Planetoid
15. Ananda Shankar - Planet-X

Hombres - Let It All Hang Out

Well I managed to find the Hombres almost impossible to get single LP Let It All Hang Out on the net as 2 ripped sides of an LP with no tracklisting or cover. The title track of course is a great one hit wonder from 1967 featured in a few films the latest being Elizabethtown.

Now with cover scan kindly provided by Mike. I've separated all the tracks, depopped and normalized them and even found a track listing. I've reposted and its now available for your downloading pleasure. Some good tracks including a version of Gloria with 8 Miles High suddenly appearing half way through, you can also see where they got the chord progression for Let It All Hang Out. So remember, water drippin' up the spout but I don't care let it all hang out -

Hombres - Let It All Hang Out 1967

01 - Let It All Hang Out
02 - Little 2+2
03 - So Sad
04 - Gloria
05 - Am I High
06 - Mau Mau Mau
07 - This Little Girl
08 - Sorry 'Bout That
09 - Ya Ya
10 - Hey Little Girl
11 - Its a Gass